On the bright side, before heading to work last Wednesday, I took some photos of the cherry blossom trees near the infamous Robarts Library (they have many old and rare books) in U of T territory. Despite posting just one photo with this blog post, I took a good amount of photos that I am somewhat satisfied with. Unfortunately, most of them are cliche shots that everyone else probably took from the same angle since I didn't want some ugly looking building (*ahem* Robarts Library) to be in my frame.
While taking these photos, for some reason, I started thinking about what a good photo is. And quite frankly, after looking at some of the shots that my friend took (he takes photographs for various magazine and newspaper companies), I started to grasp the idea of a "good photograph." As it gets warmer, I plan on taking my camera out more often. Hopefully, someday, someone can take a look at one of my photos I took and say, "That's a good photograph."
Well, that and a cheque for it will be nice XD