Surprise! I've been neglecting this blog again. Life has been just a bit busy, but all that is in the past and the warm Spring is finally kicking into gear and there is no clearer sign than the cherry blossoms blooming. It's a bit late, but hey, I'll take "late" rather than "never."
It's been just over a year since I took the photos of the same trees by Robart's library and man, looking back now, more than plenty has changed. Although, the details on the said changes are for another time. This year, they bloomed almost a month later than last year. With all the rain we've been getting before they bloomed, I was quite terrified the cherry blossom might have been ruined for this year. My schedule didn't exactly make things any easier, either. This year though, I hoped and prepared for the best. Having my GF1 as my every-day-camera allowed me to take these photos instead of having to plan it out like last year. Although, if I had time to carefully plan out this year's cherry blossom photos, I think I would have liked to use my Minolta XG-M instead. I've been wanting to try out some new films but I guess that'll have to wait and with the warm weather staying here for a while, I'm sure I'll have more than enough opportunities.
I should apologize for the lack of anything good in this post. I am working on another post that's actually a bit more productive piece (if you will). So stay tuned and enjoy the warm weather (and rain) for now.