Monday, April 30, 2012

Film Roll Sticky Notes By Kikkerland

This is a roll of sticky note I just had to get. Sticky note, but like film. One of heck of a novelty item for anyone who still enjoys shooting film. Funny thing is you can use the box as a dispenser for the notes. Each "frame" is 3" by 3.25" leaving a lot of space to write on them.
Thankfully, 80 "frames" are included instead of 36. It may not exactly be a high number of "frames", but it is a fair trade for the novelty. I bought mine at the Midoco Art & Supplies store near Bloor and Bathurst, but I'm sure they exist elsewhere for a better price than Midoco's as many items they carry already are.
And yes, with the price of film forever rising, my shopping for film takes priority over milk.